QandR is contagious
QandR, Noterik’s tool to gamify any type of group discussion, has a solid customer base in market research, where it is primarily used in focus groups. However, QandR flourishes anywhere were the traditional presentation paradigm fails to engage audiences. This was demonstrated in the course if this year, as QandR spread from one event to the next, with enthusiastic participants in one event keen to use it in one of their own.
NDE (Dutch Digital Heritage Network) used QandR its programme council meeting in May to brainstorm on the relevance of networking in general and the digital heritage domain in particular. In November, Sophie Taes kicked off NDE’s Digital Heritage Week in Zutphen with a QandR stress-test for 60+ participants, on the visibility, usability and sustainability of their digital heritage.
Europeana, Europe’s prime platform for digital heritage, once again used QandR, this time in its Common Culture workshop in October in Stockholm, in a 40 participant session to discuss collaboration between content aggregators. And in November, DDB (German Digital Library), that offers unrestricted access to Germany’s cultural and scientific heritage, facilitated its Europeana National workshop (50 attendees) in Frankfurt with QandR as well. Since for QandR, ‘seeing is believing’, is is not surprising that participants in a QandR session gladly took QandR along to make their next event a success, leading to a trickle-down effect in this domain.
Whether you’re engaging casually with a small group of elderly people, or instigating a more formal discussion with an aula full of tech savvy students: everyone loves to play with the moving dots, fiddle with the pie charts or upvote words in a wordcloud. QandR outsmarts other interactive discussion tools on the market, and perfectly integrates presentation slides for a sleek finishing touch.
Sofie Taes, curator-storyteller-workshopper @ KU Leuven
Of course, QandR can be equally used in other domains as well, such as (higher) education (e.g. HvA, UvA, KU Leuven), or the public sector (e.g. Lelystad municipality).
On that note, we offer special pricing plans for educational and non-profit organisations. From as little as €50 per month, QandR can become part of your organisation as well, changing the way you conduct your workshops, brainstorm sessions and staff meetings forever.
If you would like to try out QandR, please request a demo or call Rutger Rozendal on +31 (0)20 2401145.