Noterik’s tool QandR, eminently suited to qualitative market research, not only flourishes in large companies, but is used by smaller agencies as well, such as Marion Matthijssen’s ‘Onderzoek en Training’ (Research and Training).
Noterik’s tool QandR, eminently suited to qualitative market research, not only flourishes in large companies, but is used by smaller agencies as well, such as Marion Matthijssen’s ‘Onderzoek en Training’ (Research and Training).
QandR, Noterik’s tool to gamify group discussions and generate improved consumer insights, has entered the German market. Produkt + Markt, one of the largest owner-managed full-service market research institutes in Germany, is all set to go to employ QandR in its qualitative research.
With our newly established white-label partnership with deRotterdamseZorg, QandR is branching out to new domains. DeRotterdamseZorg is a network company based in Rotterdam that facilitates projects for employers in the health care sector in the wider Rotterdam Rijnmond region. In a pilot on 28 June QandR successfully demonstrated how its interactive visuals make group discussions more engaging and the Read more…
On April 21st-22nd, this year’s two days of summer in Amsterdam, we decided to stay indoors and play video games for science during a Twitch Hackathon. Students from the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences with their partners, the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, Noterik, Ex machina and Bulbagarden, spent the weekend hacking new interactions for Read more…
Modern industrial research uses sophisticated measuring technology to validate and test its working models in a laboratory environment. It can be a real challenge to compile measurement data from a wide range of sources (cameras and other sensors) into meaningful information. Noterik’s Stageplayer does just that. It is an advanced media player that allows researchers to Read more…
Noterik is happy to announce its partnership with well-known research company Motivaction. They are now our second launching customer, using our tool QANDR in the focus groups that they regularly organise as part of their qualitative research proposition. We are excited about the opportunities for both Motivaction and Noterik, to further tailor the product to Read more…
Noterik’s director, Rutger Rozendal, was one of the speakers at the ‘MUZEUM@DIGIT’ International Conference on Digital Cultural Heritage, where he gave a 20 minute presentation on MuPop, the popup museum to professionals and organisations from the fields of culture and ICT.
After having done a few pilot projects, Noterik and research company I&O Research have formalised their collaboration. I&O Research will act as launching customer for Noterik’s innovative product QandR, with both parties profiting from each other’s experience and know-how.
Noterik collaborated with Sound and Vision and Europeana on a methodology to embed the secure EUscreen player, developed by Noterik, in the Europeana portal. As a result, tens of thousands of EUscreen audiovisual items now play out directly from the Europeana portal, making Europeana an even more valuable resource for the general public.
The library of the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, in 2017 celebrated the 16th century botanist Rembert Dodoens, himself once a student of that ancient university. A modern day student used MuPop to set up an interactive exhibition that combined imagery from books of Dodoens and contemporaries, with the more generic theme of caring for Read more…