01 Jun 2024

Simulation, Human Observation and Debriefing (SHOD)

Als langdurige partner willen we MARIN (Maritime Research Institute Netherlands) feliciteren met de opening van hun Seven Ocean Simulator Center (SOSc). Een indrukwekkende presentatie!

De opening van het SOSc markeert ook een nieuw hoogtepunt in onze samenwerking met MARIN – met de oplevering van de Simulation, Human Observation and Debriefing (SHOD) software die gebruikt wordt in het SOSc. In totaal hebben we in 9 sprints intensief samengewerkt met Priya Gupta, Raoul H., Tom Sweers en Niklas van Duinen om een geïntegreerde oplossing op te leveren die video’s van de simulatie combineert met grafische gegevens van zowel de simulator als sensoren die het menselijk gedrag in de simulator meten.

Op 28 mei 2024 werd ons teamwerk bekroond door Koning Willem-Alexander toen hij naar Wageningen afreisde om het SOSc officieel te openen (zie Opening SOSc door de koning). Na de opening door Bas Buchner, directeur van MARIN, benadrukten Arno Bons en Hugo Ammerlaan het belang van menselijke factoren in maritieme studies. Ze lieten in hun presentaties enkele SHOD-interfaces zien die gegevens van menselijk gedrag combineren met gegevens over het schip dat gemanoeuvreerd wordt. Na de toespraken kregen de aanwezigen een rondleiding door het nieuwe SOSc, waar Hans Huisman, Niklas van Duinen en vele andere MARIN-medewerkers een demonstratie gaven van de simulatoren en software.

SHOD gebruikt de functies van Stageplayer (https://www.stageplayer.nl) in het domein van maritieme simulaties. De Stageplayer wordt ook gebruikt in de NoldusHub, die SHOD voedde met datastromen over menselijk gedrag. We werkten bij deze integratie effectief samen met Harold Bult. Verder was het een groot genoegen om de software van Vicar Vision voor het herkennen van gezichtsuitdrukkingen te integreren samen met Marian Bittner en Tim den Uyl.

We zijn trots op de doorgaande ontwikkeling van de Stageplayer die Noterik en MARIN de afgelopen jaren hebben gerealiseerd, in goede samenwerking met Remco van der Eijk, Petra van Santen en Robert Braam. En het is erg gaaf om te zien hoe de tool nu ook wordt gebruikt in Human Factor studies, zoals die worden uitgevoerd in het SOSc. We kijken ernaar uit om te blijven samenwerken met MARIN in het streven naar een veilige en schone maritieme sector.

20 Jan 2024


De gemeente Leiden gebruikt QandR tijdens verschillende bijeenkomsten. Zo is QandR ingezet tijdens een micro-burgerberaad rond de klimaattransitie en tijdens een terugkerend gesprek over de nadelige effecten van racisme en discriminatie binnen zoektochten naar een huis of baan. Lees meer hierover op https://www.qandr.eu/nl/burgerberaad

“Ik gebruik QandR graag bij grote conferenties waar complexe vraagstukken aan de orde zijn, zoals racisme, slavernijverleden, discriminatie. De tooling stelt mij in staat om met grote groepen de nuance op te zoeken. Bijvoorbeeld door het kwadrant te gebruiken, waarmee meningen worden geplot op twee assen die een dilemma representeren. En het heeft zelfs gewerkt toen de wifi in de zaal uitviel en we met ca 100 personen verder moesten met een hotspot via een mobiele telefoon.”

Yung Lie, Social Enterpreneur, De Beuk Consultancy

19 Jul 2023

Human Factor Analysis in the Stageplayer

Over the past decade, Noterik has specialized in synchronizing, visualizing, and thereby analyzing data streams, particularly for the maritime industry. Under the name Stageplayer (www.stageplayer.nl), Noterik has developed, together with MARIN, a tool that matches high-speed video and high-frequency sensor information. With this, specific applications, such as minutely examining the interaction between a model ship and water wave, have been realized.

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04 May 2020

QandR actively involves local residents

Noterik is excited to welcome new partner Bureau Buhrs to the QandR community. They are an Amsterdam-based agency that believe involving local stakeholders and residents to be essential for a successful marketing, communication and participation strategy. When Corona was upon us, Marinka van Vliet from Bureau Buhrs was the first to call and ask us whether the tool can also be used online. Yes of course, was our reply which we went on to demonstrate to her team in a webinar the week after. Read more…

30 Apr 2020

Co-creation and participation in Corona times

How to organise an inclusive participation process in times where physically getting together is not an option? This was the topic of a webinar organised by Rotterdam-based Kickstad that specialises in sustainable urban development. Fellow Rotterdam agency De Plekkenmakers, used Noterik’s tool QandR to elaborate on this theme in a co-creation session with 80+ participants.

27 Apr 2020

Efficient follow-up with QandR

A much requested feature has now been implemented in QandR: automatic reporting. Right after you have completed your QandR session, and have closed it in the dashboard, QandR will prompt you to generate a PDF with selected slides from your session and view, download or email it. A simple (with lots of work under the bonnet!) but powerful addition that will make reporting your session results even easier.

20 Mar 2020

QandR alla Milanese

More and more agencies that are active in the field of qualitative market research are discovering the added value that QANDR can offer in focus groups. For several of our clients, QandR has become part of the standard toolbox in their qualitative research proposition, and for some this means they truly make it their own by branding it. Such a client is BVA Doxa from Milan, who have given QandR the excellent and appropriate name of SmartFocus.

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17 Mar 2020

A sense of Wonder

All real progress starts with a sense of wonder. That insight is the driving force behind research and strategy agency (and new QANDR client) Wonder.  A, well, wonderful group of four ladies that couple expertise with innovation and know all about making brands flourish in rapidly changing consumer markets.

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13 Mar 2020

Embedding video in QandR

A recurring request of our QandR clients is the embedding of videos in a QandR session. We are pleased to report that this is now possible! Interlace the questions you pose your respondents with videos to illustrate your narrative, provoke discussion, or show a commercial to be evaluated – all within the one environment, without the hassle of having to switch to another app.

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10 Mar 2020

Interactive Advertising on an Amsterdam street

Imagine yourself walking one evening on a busy Amsterdam street, when suddenly a screen in a shop window lights up, inviting you to take a look. And then it turns out that you can use your phone to look at and listen to all the interesting stuff the shop has to offer, and request more info to take away with you. We have brought this very scenario to life with an Interactive Advertising pilot at Baking Lab in Amsterdam. Read more…

25 Feb 2020

MuPop exhibitions in 11 European cities

Participation in cultural heritage is a hot topic. But which formats work and what results might be expected? These questions were at the crux of WeAre#EuropeForCulture: a rollercoaster of a project that took us across many European cities, putting innovative approaches to the test in crowdsourcing workshops and exhibitions co-created with local communities. Read more…

10 Dec 2019

QandR is contagious

QandR, Noterik’s tool to gamify any type of group discussion, has a solid customer base in market research, where it is primarily used in focus groups. However, QandR flourishes anywhere were the traditional presentation paradigm fails to engage audiences. This was demonstrated in the course if this year, as QandR spread from one event to the next, with enthusiastic participants in one event keen to use it in one of their own.

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05 Dec 2019

QandR @ ESOMAR Fusion 2019

Market research professionals from all over the world came together at ESOMAR Fusion in Madrid, diving deeply into the struggles and success stories of qualitative research and data science. Our launching customer Motivaction demonstrated their research methodology VisualFocus, which plays a pivotal role in QandR’s customisation for the qualitative research market. Read more…

28 Nov 2019

Moodboards without scissors or glue

In its software development, Noterik always endeavours to take customer feedback on board, to ensure that our applications meet an actual need and provide real added value to businesses on a daily basis. This certainly applies to QandR‘s new moodboard module, that replaces the old-school way of making collages (a method widely used in qualitative research) with an instant, fun way to visualise the various moods in the group.

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14 Oct 2019

REDC makes QandR fly

Noterik is proud to have signed up prominent Irish research agency RED C Research as a corporate QandR client. They wasted no time and have deployed QandR in a large project with sessions in three major US cities, running focus groups on travel and vacationing of North Americans in Europe. Read more…

10 Sep 2019

QandR used in conference in Bulgaria

Noterik’s tool QandR was used in Bulgaria during the conference “Non-formal learning for employability” in Sofia. The event was part of an Erasmus+ project realised by Bulgarian and Romanian NGOs. With over 60 participants joining in, QandR once again demonstrated it not only flourishes in small focus groups, but is equally useful in larger, plenary sessions. Read more…

26 Jun 2019

MuPop uncovers stories from prison life

Noterik and MuPop, its tool to create interactive exhibitions, were recently part of a powerful experience in the prison museum in Hämeenlinna, Finland. In a preparatory workshop for an exhibition on life and work in the former prison that now is the museum, ex-inmates and ex-guards came together to share their unique and intimate stories, that were then recorded as part of the MuPop exhibition. The exhibition, showcasing their stories as well as photographs from the prison days, can currently be seen in the museum, and is part of the WeAre#EuropeForCulture project that delivers a series of pop-up exhibitions in 2019-20 in ten European countries, to celebrate the diversity of European cultural heritage.
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17 Jun 2019

Merging QANDR sessions

Balance, specialists in strategic advice on the physical living environment, employed Noterik’s tool QANDR to facilitate an interactive dialogue between housing corporation Trivire and its tenants.

In several concurrent sessions, tenants used their smartphones to share their knowledge and views on the sustainability of their housing, and what part landlord and tenants might play in improving it.

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28 May 2019

Even in prison, QANDR comes out on top

QANDR, Noterik’s versatile tool to generate optimal added value from any type of group discussion, was used by Omniplan to facilitate their annual Young Professionals Network Event. The setting: a converted laundry room of the former Amsterdam prison ‘Bijlmer Bajes’. The topic: sustainable mobility and spatial development. The players: inspiring speakers and a bunch of enthusiastic junior professionals. The lubricant: QANDR’s smooth interactivity (and the drinks at the end). Read more…

13 May 2019

QandR making inroads into higher education

After having experimented with Noterik’s tool QandR for a while, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (HvA) has now entered into a more formal partnership with Noterik. The aim is to further embed QandR within the university and finetune the software for use in a variety of educational settings, thus enhancing and enlivening classes with this innovative tool. A session with a group of second year students (see video) was a clear case in point.

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11 Apr 2019

Qualitative research training with QandR

Noterik’s tool QandR, eminently suited to qualitative market research, not only flourishes in large companies, but is used by smaller agencies as well, such as Marion Matthijssen’s ‘Onderzoek en Training’ (Research and Training).

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01 Apr 2019

Jetzt geht’s los! QandR enters the German market

QandR, Noterik’s tool to gamify group discussions and generate improved consumer insights, has entered the German market. Produkt + Markt, one of the largest owner-managed full-service market research institutes in Germany, is all set to go to employ QandR in its qualitative research.

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20 Dec 2018

New feature QANDR – Grading oliebollen

Noterik ensures you are well prepared for the new year and particularly New Year’s eve, with exciting new QANDR features, and a must-have benchmark test for your ‘oliebollen’.

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19 Dec 2018

Popup exhibitions in 10 European cities

Noterik is proudly part of a small consortium that won a tender for an exciting new project that will be creating interactive popup exhibitions in ten European cities in 2019, to promote the participation of European citizens in their cultural heritage. Read more…

04 Dec 2018

QandR used in NPO audience panels

QandR, Noterik’s tool for gamifying group discussions, was used by Dutch public broadcasting umbrella organisation NPO, to evaluate a range of TV pilots in two audience panels of young adult viewers.
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22 Oct 2018

QANDR scaling up with MARE and Smidswater

We have been working on QANDR for three years now and we are happy to announce that use of QANDR is clearly scaling up. This last month we started new white-label partnerships, and existing clients clearly show increased usage of QANDR. Furthermore we added advanced features, such as sharing projects with colleagues at other locations.

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01 Sep 2018

Interactive Wall of Fame Quiz

During the Dutch Media Week in Hilversum an interactive quiz, powered by Noterik’s MuPop, allowed visitors to test their knowledge of the Dutch media personalities commemorated in Sound and Vision‘s Wall of Fame, compete with others and have fun in the process.

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19 Jul 2018

Efficient visual reporting with QandR

With our newly established white-label partnership with deRotterdamseZorg, QandR is branching out to new domains. DeRotterdamseZorg is a network company based in Rotterdam that facilitates projects for employers in the health care sector in the wider Rotterdam Rijnmond region. In a pilot on 28 June QandR successfully demonstrated how its interactive visuals make group discussions more engaging and the reporting afterwards more visual and efficient – laying the foundation for an ongoing collaboration.

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07 May 2018

QandR used at Saxion University of Applied Sciences

QandR excels in smaller groups as a way to enliven and facilitate group discussions, but is equally at home in educational settings. Timber Haaker, professor Business Models at Saxion University of Applied Sciences in Enschede, ran a series of workshops for 2nd year students Business Economics on the topic of Future Scenarios, using QandR to increase engagement and spice up the workshops.

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22 Apr 2018

QANDR used at Twitch Hackathon

On April 21st-22nd, this year’s two days of summer in Amsterdam, we decided to stay indoors and play video games for science during a Twitch Hackathon. Students from the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences with their partners, the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, Noterik, Ex machina and Bulbagarden, spent the weekend hacking new interactions for live video as a part of a two year research project, Meer Profijt uit Data (More value from data). This research project focuses on ways to gain more value from the data that live broadcasts generate and to learn how to transition to a data driven business model. 

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21 Feb 2018

Stageplayer syncs measurement data

Modern industrial research uses sophisticated measuring technology to validate and test its working models in a laboratory environment. It can be a real challenge to compile measurement data from a wide range of sources (cameras and other sensors) into meaningful information. Noterik’s Stageplayer does just that. It is an advanced media player that allows researchers to navigate through measurement data and watch all recorded media play out completely in sync with the data, providing researchers with invaluable information at their fingertips.

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01 Dec 2017

Partnership with Motivaction

Noterik is happy to announce its partnership with well-known research company Motivaction. They are now our second launching customer, using our tool QANDR in the focus groups that they regularly organise as part of their qualitative research proposition. We are excited about the opportunities for both Motivaction and Noterik, to further tailor the product to the requirements in the field and provide real added value.

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27 Nov 2017

MuPop presented at Muzeum@Digit Budapest

Noterik’s director, Rutger Rozendal, was one of the speakers at the ‘MUZEUM@DIGIT’ International Conference on Digital Cultural Heritage, where he gave a 20 minute presentation on MuPop, the popup museum to professionals and organisations from the fields of culture and ICT.

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01 Oct 2017

I&O Research launching customer

After having done a few pilot projects, Noterik and research company I&O Research have formalised their collaboration. I&O Research will act as launching customer for Noterik’s innovative product QandR, with both parties profiting from each other’s experience and know-how.

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15 Aug 2017

EUscreen content embedded in Europeana

Noterik collaborated with Sound and Vision and Europeana on a methodology to embed the secure EUscreen player, developed by Noterik, in the Europeana portal. As a result, tens of thousands of EUscreen audiovisual items now play out directly from the Europeana portal, making Europeana an even more valuable resource for the general public. Read more…

15 Jul 2017

Interactive exhibition on botanist Dodoens

The library of the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, in 2017 celebrated the 16th century botanist Rembert Dodoens, himself once a student of that ancient university. A modern day student used MuPop to set up an interactive exhibition that combined imagery from books of Dodoens and contemporaries, with the more generic theme of caring for and preserving old books and documents.

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08 Jun 2017

Creathon for Amsterdam University of Applied Science

Noterik organised a creathon for the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (Hogeschool van Amsterdam or HvA), for its research project More Profit From Data. Using a variety of techniques, including our product QANDR, Noterik brought together the various stakeholders to explore how current second screen applications commissioned and used by several Dutch broadcasters might be improved, based on a range of criteria.

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23 May 2017

Gamification of the Popup Museum

A powerful feature of our multiscreen applications is the way traditional user interaction in exhibitions or group settings can be enriched by introducing game elements. Gamification transforms traditional interaction into new, playful, more interesting and engaging formats, as demonstrated in the MuPop Eduquizes that Noterik showcased at the Fashion Digital Memories symposium in Venice.

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20 May 2017

Vintage photography enhanced by digital technologies

Noterik’s Popup Museum enjoyed another day in the limelight at the Europeana Photography launch event, hosted at Museo della Grafica in Palazzo Lanfranchi in Pisa. The event welcomed both local and international attendees during the European Night of the Museums, giving a huge flux of visitors the opportunity to try our tool, as well as providing valuable feedback for Noterik’s ongoing development of this exciting new technology.

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25 Apr 2017

Listen to the dwarfs of Snow White

The National Library of Estonia is showing a small MuPop exhibition, revolving around the cultural theme year in Estonia: Children and youth culture. The exhibition enlivens an image from their fairytale illustration collection, featuring Snow White and her inevitable companions, allowing visitors to listen to a variety of songs fitting the characters in the image.
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17 Mar 2017

Europeana Space: Exceeding expectations

The Europeana Space project that Noterik was a proud partner in, was awarded an ‘excellent’ by reviewers today. Moreover, the reviewers described the project as ‘exceeding expectations’. We like to think that this was in no small part due to the massive effort Noterik put in to create the cross-discipline Popup Museum app.
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01 Mar 2017

QANDR used in debate Dutch election

We are very proud to announce that QANDR was successfully used during a debate on the Dutch election. The debate was organised by I&O Research and the organisation More Democracy in the top floor conference room of the UP building in Amsterdam. Read more…

22 Feb 2017

Pop-Up exhibition in Leuven

The Institute of Cultural Studies (CS Digital) at KU Leuven used the Pop-Up museum to showcase two photographic exhibitions on the Belle Époque: “Man meets world” about travels and must-see places of the time, and “Cuisine” on kitchen discoveries, eating habits and favorite dishes. Read more…

03 Feb 2017

Social research QANDRified

The latest episode in our mission to QANDRify group interactions took us to the world of social research. With QANDRify we refer to making any gathering of people more interactive, playful, dynamic, efficient and more interesting, by allowing everyone to join in with their mobile phone. Read more…

24 Jan 2017

Pop-Up exhibition running at Sound and Vision

From January 12th to 24th, the beautiful Sound and Vision building in Hilversum provided the backdrop for the latest exhibition to use our Pop-Up Museum. Read more…

19 Dec 2016

Reveal with QANDR

When NIZO, an organisation that specialises in research and food, was looking for an original way to launch their new company website, Noterik and QANDR were able to deliver just that. Read more…

13 Dec 2016

Pop-up exhibitions in Berlin

On the 21st and 22nd of November we exhibited our first real live MuPop exhibition at the final Europeana Space conference in Berlin. In the course of the conference, quite a number of attendees paid a visit to our installation in the main hall, using their smartphone to interact with the four exhibitions that were in place. Read more…

03 Nov 2016

QANDR collecting insights on delinquency

QANDR was recently used to spice up a meeting of professionals in the fields of youth and mental health care and the justice system where the new website of the Dutch Committee for the Recognition of Judicial Interventions was launched. All in real-time, with the audience using their mobile phones to interact with the main screen.

“A playful way to actively involve the audience in the content.”
Marie-Christine van der Veldt of the Netherlands Youth Institute
Secretary, Committee for the Recognition of Judicial Interventions

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03 Oct 2016
Students pointing on hype cycle

QANDR tool innovates lecturing at MODUL University

Noterik’s user engagement tool QANDR is being used successfully at the Modul University to innovate this semester’s Bachelor course on New Media and E-Business Applications. Every week, two MODUL assistant professors, Dr Lyndon Nixon and Dr Irem Önder, are using QANDR in parallel to engage two separate groups, with each around 60 students, in a playful manner, by querying them with polls on technology trends for business, asking them to position pointers on illustrations like the Gartner Hype Cycle, or collecting in real time student suggestions using an onscreen Word Cloud. The students make use of their mobile phones, tablets or laptops to be presented with calls for interaction and respond to them, with results shown real-time on the presentation screen.

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09 Aug 2016

Pop-Up Museum

Multiscreen museum installations based on HTML5

Noterik is finding more and more avenues to apply its multiscreen technology, focussed around the powerful concept of connecting mobile devices to larger screens, all just done with using simple HTML5.

The latest example of how Noterik technology can be used for rapid development of multiscreen applications is the Pop-Up Museum. The product will make it easy to build an interactive exhibition, that can be placed anywhere, designed to offer engaging digital cultural experiences to visitors at museums and art galleries, but also at locations such as waiting rooms, entrance halls, offices and classrooms. A Pop Up Museum transforms a small portion of space into an island dedicated to art and culture, where visitors or passers-by may dwell a while, using their mobile phones or tablets to bring the screen or screens to life. The application is very low-cost, uses web-standards and requires hardware (a smart screen) that is often already at hand or can be easily adapted. See here a video whereby we add audio hotspots to a picture displayed on a big screen.
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22 Jun 2016

All but excellent

And so it goes… another Noterik chapter closed to satisfaction, with new chapters on the horizon.
The EUScreenXL project that we have been proudly part has run its three year course. Completed in February 2016, the project has now been thoroughly reviewed by the European Commission, and we are happy to report that it has been assessed as “good albeit not far from excellent”.
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14 Apr 2016

Innovation hurts

On the 14th of April 2016 we were invited to speak at the Immovator Cross Media Network event held at the beautiful location of the Sound and Vision building in Hilversum. Also Ineke Middag of the museum of Sound and Vision (experience) was going to use QANDR to poll the audience on what the new museum should be like. Unfortunately not everything went well in terms of QANDR and it ended up being a day of mixed emotions.

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01 Mar 2016
Leuven Hackathon

Photography Hackathon Leuven a huge success

From the 25th till the 27th of February the photography hackathon was held in Leuven, Belgium. The main goal of the hackathon was to hack the massive photographic heritage content on Europeana, E-Space and other public repositories to mash them up with user-generated smartphone photos and stories, creating a new environment to experience our cultural past, using apps, websites and virtual environments. People attending were students, developers, cultural heritage professionals, photography people, and technical developers. Read more…

22 Feb 2016

Sign-Up for MyEUscreen

On the 22nd of February EUscreen officially launched MyEUscreen – a personal workspace where users can save their favourite content, make audiovisual collections, create video posters with EUscreen’s tools for publication building, and share their creations and bookmarks. Read more…

15 Dec 2015
Spatial spotting

Noterik hosts workshop at Dish2015

On the 7th of december Noterik was present at Dish2015 held at “De Doelen” at the city of Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Dish2015 is the biennial international conference on digital heritage and strategies for heritage institutions. Noterik was asked to co host a workshop on the effects of the impressive amount of digitized cultural heritage (DCH) now available in Europe and on generating new employment and economic rewards by leveraging on DCH needs.

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08 Oct 2015
IBC2015 Mecanex

Noterik at IBC2015

Noterik has attended the 2015 IBC convention in the Amsterdam RAI from Friday 11th until Tuesday 15th September. We are delighted to have been able to discuss the projects that we have been working on at our poster wall at future zone of the IBC. The event has been a great opportunity to showcase the innovative multi screen technology these projects have enabled us to develop which has led to our QANDR product line.

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19 May 2015

Final review LinkedTV – Rating “excellent”

After four years of hard work the LinkedTV project has been finalized. On Wednesday the 13th of May the final review of the LinkedTV project took place at the Amsterdam office of Noterik where all participating stakeholders were joined by the project reviewers and EC project officer Thomas Kuepper. We are very proud to announce the project has been awarded with the highest possible rating “excellent”. Read more…

11 May 2015

Building Multiscreen Apps

The Hacking Culture Bootcamp, held from the 8th till the 10th of May was a huge success. The beautiful venue of the Waag Society in Amsterdam acted as the playground for over forty participants working in groups to build their applications. During these three days game developers, storytellers, interactive designers, and app developers created new multi-screen experiences with a focus on digitised historic footage. Read more…

04 May 2015

Multiscreen Hackathon Waag Society

In the weekend from Friday the 8th of may till Sunday the 10th of may Noterik will be participating in Hacking Culture Bootcamp at the Waag Society. During Hacking Culture Bootcamp (from Europeana Space), about forty participants will dedicate three days at Waag Society to experiment with cross-media (or, transmedia), interactive concepts that may be suitable for applications in broadcasting and the heritage sector. Read more…

25 Feb 2015

Smart TV Apps at Europeana Space Hackathon

On 25 and 26 February, Noterik participated in an Europeana Space workshop at RBB in Berlin. Together with Sound and Vision we were able to use our MultiScreen Toolkit to develop a small app to view a tour of the Berlin wall on a TV screen, with a smartphone serving as a remote control. Read more…

13 Jan 2015

Mecanex kick-off

On the 13th of January we joined the kick-off meeting of Mecanex, a new European project that Noterik is participating in, the first one under the Horizon 2020 program. As part of this project we will be making further improvements to our MultiscreenToolkit. Read more…

30 Oct 2014

New EUscreen portal released

Noterik presented during the EUscreenXL conference in Rome the new version of the EUscreen portal (download slides). Within the EUscreenXL project Noterik works with various European broadcasters and audiovisual archives in Europe. One of the main outcomes of the projects is the improved, responsive EUscreen portal, Read more…

09 Sep 2014

Multiscreen Toolkit @ IBC 2014

We showed our Multiscreen Toolkit at this year’s IFA in Berlin as well as at the IBC in Amsterdam in the context of the LinkedTV project. At IFA, Noterik’s toolkit was shown as a part of the latest HbbTV developments at the German TV Station RBB’s stand in the ARD hall. Both single screen and second screen applications are presented, including possible future scenarios where multiple people watch a TV program together.

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21 Aug 2014

HbbTV example App

As part of our Open Source process we made a simple HbbTV example App for developers that is worth showing to you. The application was build with our Multiscreen Toolkit and it gives a good demonstration of the type of app you can develop in one day with around 200 lines of code. Read more…

26 Jun 2014

Co-viewing and tagging soccer together

The last minute penalty from the Greeks or the bite from Suarez…. wouldn’t it be nice to be able to point these tactical moments to a friend who is watching the same video?

Check out our Spatial Spotting Tool and see how you can watch a video together and point specific spatial spots to each other. Read more…

23 Jun 2014
Seminar - video inside museum exhibitions

Seminar on video in museum exhibitions

Today, most visitors of museums have a smartphone. This offers new possibilities for interaction of visitors within an exhibition. Noterik invites you to a seminar about the way your visitors can use mobile devices to interact with the media elements in your exhibition, especially video. Read more…

16 May 2014

EuropeanaSpace at Noterik

On 15 and 16 May 2014 Noterik‘s hosted an EuropeanaSpace meeting at our new location in Amsterdam. The first day was used for an an interactive brainstorming session imagining future scenarios and visionary applications for the reuse of Europeana content in different pilots. Read more…

01 Mar 2014

Noterik has moved!

From the 1st of March onwards, Noterik has moved to a new office space. We are still on Prins Hendrikkade in Amsterdam, but about 500 meters further towards the NEMO Science Center building. You can find the exact address and a map on our contact page.

The building itself is a national monument and was originally built as a school for naval shipping. Read more…

08 Feb 2014

Multiscreen Toolkit ported to HbbTV

The Europeana Space project aims to increase the use of digital cultural content of Europeana with several engaging pilots. Noterik is proud to be part of the Europeana TV pilot whereby our Multiscreen Toolkit will be used to develop HbbTV applications, Read more…

28 Nov 2013

Review LinkedTV – New LinkedTV player presented

The LinkedTV project had its second project review at Sound & Vision (Beeld en Geluid) where the project reviewers were joined by EU project officer Thomas Kuepper to assess the progress within the LinkedTV project.

Noterik presented the work performed on the Multiscreen Toolkit and a version of the LinkedTV player that was built using the toolkit.  Read more…

15 Oct 2013

EUscreen workshop on subtitling

Noterik participated in organizing a workshop around the theme of translating audiovisual content in London on September 17th. The workshop was organized in collaboration with the following EUscreenXL project partners: Aalto University (Finland), British Universities Film & Video Council (UK), Kungliga Biblioteket (Sweden), and Royal Holloway University of London (UK).

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26 Sep 2013

Multiscreen Toolkit at Mindtrek Festival 2013

We are proud to announce that Noterik got invited to the MindTrek Festival in Finland on October 1st-3rd to present our Multiscreen Toolkit. Pieter van Leeuwen, one of our talented software developers, will be presenting the toolkit and our ongoing multiscreen developments in the LinkedTV project. Learn more about our Multiscreen Development Package (PDF)

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25 Sep 2013

Spatial Spotting at Second Screen Seminar

Noterik got invited to give a presentation at a Second Screen Seminar on the Do’s & Don’ts of 2nd Screen. The seminar is organized by SPOT, which is a Foundation for Television Promotion and the marketing center for Dutch TV advertising.

Watch here to watch video recordings of the presentation. Click here to download the slides. Read more…

17 Sep 2013

Fashion scenes Sound and Vision

The Dutch institute Sound and Vision (Beeld en Geluid) is adding part of their video collection to the Europeana Fashion project. In order to select specific fashion scenes from their videos, Sound and Vision is using Noterik’s Fragment Tagging tool. Read more…

24 Jun 2013

Multiscreen Toolkit @ EuroITV conference

Our Multiscreen Toolkit is presented by Daniel Ockeloen at the EuroITV Conference on June 24-26th in the demo sessions as well as in the 4th Future of Television workshop. The toolkit enables rapid prototyping of multiscreen applications, allowing developers and designers to focus on their concept ideas, rather than having to deal with synchronization and communication between screens. Read more…

21 Jun 2013

Media Fragment Service presented

We presented our Media Fragment Service during a regular LinkedTV meeting in Prague. Pieter van Leeuwen gave a presentation on the functionalities and the way to connect to the service using our API. Main goal of the service it to generates temporal media fragments in real time from a video file. Read more…

03 Jun 2013

Noterik @ VOLT NL

During the Dutch Technology Week VOLT organised an the event Dubbel zien (seeing double). During the event Noterik gave a presentation on the Multiscreen Application that are developed within the LinkedTV project.

VOLT is a digital experience center in the field of media technology, arts and innovation. Read more…

30 May 2013

Multiscreen Toolkit @ HbbNext dissemination meeting

On the 30th of May Noterik, Beeld en Geluid and TNO jointly organised a HBBnext meeting on research results related to Smart TV applications.

During the meeting Daniel Ockeloen gave a presentation on the way Multiscreen Application are evolving and he gave an introduction into Multiscreen Toolkit that is also used within the LinkedTV project. Read more…

15 May 2013

Paper prototyping workshop on Oral History

On May 15th we organized a paper prototyping workshop around the theme of Oral History. Altogether six people from Dutch research and content provider institutions participated in the workshop. We developed ideas on how researchers and the general public can be engaged in interesting ways with Oral History collections. Read more…